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El Autor/a
Ash, Timothy Garton
Timothy Garton Ash (Londres, 1955) és historiador i periodista, i un dels analistes polítics més importants dels nostres dies. Actualment és professor d& x02019;Estudis Europeus a la Universitat d& x02019;Oxford, Isaiah Berlin Professorial Fellow al St Anthony& x02019;s College d& x02019;aquesta mateixa ciutat, i Senior Fellow de la Hoover Institution de la Universitat de Stanford. Els seus articles es publiquen regularment a The New York Review of Books i escriu una columna setmanal a The Guardian que apareix simultàniament a molts diaris d& x02019;Europa, Àsia i Amèrica. És autor d& x02019;una desena de llibres, entre els quals destaquen The Uses of Adversity (1989), History of the Present (2000), Free World (2004), Facts are subversive (2009) i Free Speech: Ten Principles for a Connected World (2016). Ha rebut nombrosos guardons com el prestigiós Georges Orwell Prize (2006) i el Charlemagne Prize (2017). Europa és el primer llibre de Timothy Garton Ash que es publica en català.
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Homelands "A Personal History of Europe"
Homelands "A Personal History of Europe"
Ash, Timothy Garton
Homelands "A Personal History of Europe"
Homelands "A Personal History of Europe"
Ash, Timothy Garton

Homelands is a stunning blend of contemporary history, reporting and memoir by our greatest writer about Europe. Drawing on half a century of travel and thinking, Homelands tells the story of Europe since its emergence from wartime hell in 1945: how it slowly recovered and rebuilt, liberated and united to come close to the ideal of a Europe 'whole, free and at peace'. And then faltered. Timothy Garton Ash has spent a lifetime studying Europe. Highly personal and deeply felt, this book is also full of vivid experiences, encounters and anecdotes: from his father's memories of D-Day to interviewing Polish dockers, Albanian guerrillas in the mountains of Kosovo, and angry teenagers in the poorest quarters of Paris, as well as advising prime ministers, chancellors and presidents in the UK, Europe and the US. Homelands is both a living, breathing history of a period of unprecedented progress and a clear-eyed account of how so much then went wrong, from the financial crisis of 2008 to the war in Ukraine. At its heart, this book is an urgent call to the citizens of this great old continent to understand and defend what we have collectively achieved.
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Editorial: Vintage
Materia: Europa
ISBN: 978-1-84792-662-3
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Disponible
Fecha de edición: 02-03-2023
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