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The Man Who Fell In Love With the Moon

The Man Who Fell In Love With the Moon
Shed is a bisexual, biracial boy who earns his keep at Ida Richilieu's outrageously pink whorehouse in the tiny turn- of- the- century town of Excellent, Idaho. Leaving behind the nights of drinking, talking and smoking opium stardust with his eccentric family, Shed sets off alone in search of the meaning of his Indian name and in search of himself.
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Editorial: Random House Uk
Narrativa anglosajona
ISBN: 978-1-5291-1073-9
Idioma: Inglés
Medidas cm: 12.7 x 18.6
Páginas: 432
Estado: Disponible
Fecha de edición: 30-01-2020
0.00€(IVA incluido)
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