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El Autor/a
Keegan, Claire
Claire Keegan (1968), nascuda al comtat de Wicklow (Irlanda), va estudiar a la Universitat Loyola de Nova Orleans, a la Universitat de Gal-les (Cardiff) i al Trinity College de Dublín, i ha donat classe a la Universitat de Gal-les i, com a professora visitant, a la Villanova University de Filadèlfia. Ha publicat, a més de Coses petites com aquestes, Tres llums, editat en aquesta mateixa col-lecció, i dos reculls de relats, Antarctica (1999) i Walk the Blue Fields (2007). Keegan ha obtingut, entre altres reconeixements, el premi William Trevor, el premi Rooney de literatura irlandesa, el premi Olive Cook i el premi Davy Byrnes. Des del 2019 ensenya escriptura creativa al Trinity College de Dublín.
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Walk the blue fields
Walk the blue fields
Keegan, Claire
Walk the blue fields
Walk the blue fields
Keegan, Claire

A long-haired woman moves into the priest's house and sets fire to his furniture. That Christmas, the electricity goes out. A forester mortgages his land and goes off to a seaside town looking for a wife.

He finds a woman eating alone in the hotel. A farmer wakes half-naked and realises the money is almost gone. And in the title story, a priest waits on the altar for a bride and battles, all that wedding day, with his memories of a love affair.

In her long-awaited second collection, Claire Keegan observes an Ireland wrestling with its past.
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Editorial: FABER & FABER
ISBN: 978-0-571-23307-6
Idioma: Inglés
Medidas cm: 12.7 x 19.7
Páginas: 192
Estado: Disponible
Fecha de edición: 01-05-2008
0.00(IVA incluido)
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