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Guns, germs and steel
Guns, germs and steel
Read this specially designed new edition of Jared Diamond's Pulitzer-prize winning exploration of what makes us human.
Why has human history unfolded so differently across the globe? In this Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Jared Diamond puts the case that geography and biogeography, not race, moulded the contrasting fates of Europeans, Asians, Native Americans, sub-Saharan Africans, and aboriginal Australians. An ambitious synthesis of history, biology, ecology and linguistics, Guns, Germs and Steel remains a groundbreaking and humane work of popular science.
Why has human history unfolded so differently across the globe? In this Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Jared Diamond puts the case that geography and biogeography, not race, moulded the contrasting fates of Europeans, Asians, Native Americans, sub-Saharan Africans, and aboriginal Australians. An ambitious synthesis of history, biology, ecology and linguistics, Guns, Germs and Steel remains a groundbreaking and humane work of popular science.
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Editorial: Vintage
ISBN: 978-1-78487-363-9
Idioma: Inglés
Estat: Disponible
Data d'edició: 03-01-2019
¡Qué haríamos sin G, G & S? Pues ser incapaces de entender la génesis de las profundas desigualdades de nuestro mundo.
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