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Clowes, Daniel
Daniel Clowes (Chicago, 1961) és un dels màxims exponents del còmic actual. Al llarg de la seva carrera ha rebut tretze premis Harvey i sis premis Eisner.La seva carrera va començar a la revista Cracked, amb la qual va col-laborar des del 1985 fins el 1989. Més endavant va serialitzar el seu còmic Eightball, que va tenir un èxit remarcable en l'escena del còmic alternatiu.És autor d'obres com Ghost World (1986), Ice Haven (2006) o Patience (2016). Tot i que el món del còmic ja aplaudia la seva obra a finals dels anys vuitanta i principis dels noranta, va ser amb l'adaptació cinematogràfica de Ghost World, dirigida per Terry Zwingoff, que va aconseguir el reconeixement del públic general. Clowes va escriure el guió de la pel-lícula, que va merèixer una nominació als Oscar entre altres reconeixements.Daniel Clowes no tan sols destaca per tenir una veu única, sinó també pel domini d'una àmplia varietat de registres i gèneres.
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The Complete Eightball
The Complete Eightball
Clowes, Daniel
The Complete Eightball
The Complete Eightball
Clowes, Daniel

Collecting issues 1-18 of the iconic Daniel Clowes comics anthology, Eightball; it contains the original installments of Ghost World, the short that the film Art School Confidential was based on, and much more, newly designed for paperback by the author.
The beloved comic book series Eightball made Daniel Clowes' name even before he gained fame as a bestselling graphic novelist (Ghost World, Patience, David Boring, Ice Haven) and filmmaker. From 1989 to 1997, he produced 18 issues of what is still widely considered one of the greatest and most influential comic book titles of all time. Now, Fantagraphics is collecting every single page of these long out-of-print issues in a paperback edition. It includes more than 500 pages of vintage Clowes: seminal serialized graphic novels, strips, and rants, such as "Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron," "Ghost World," "Pussey," "I Hate You Deeply," "Sexual Frustration," "Ugly Girls," "Why I Hate Christians," "Message to the People of the Future," "Paranoid," "My Suicide," "Chicago," "Art School Confidential," "On Sports," "Zubrick and Pogeybait," "Hippypants and Peace-Bear," "Grip Glutz," "The Sensual Santa," "Feldman," and many more. Features new covers by Clowes, and "Behind the Eightball": the author's annotations for each issue, heavily illustrated with art and photos from his archives.
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Editorial: Fantagraphics
Matèria: Còmic
ISBN: 978-1-68396-550-3
Idioma: Castellano
Mesures cm: 17 x 26
Pàgines: 528
Estat: Disponible
Data d'edició: 27-09-2022
0.00(IVA inclòs)
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